Tee Jay Opolis

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Like most people when they were young, I used to despise going to school. Now that I am older, I have come to enjoy school more than I have in the past. I still don't love it, but it is not as bad as it used to be. From Kindergarten to 2nd grade, I went to Whitehouse Elementary School). From 3rd to 5th grades, I went to the then-brand-new Holland Brook school, and was part of the first class to go through all three grades in that school. For 6th to 8th grades, I went to Readington Middle School (RMS). For High School, which I am in right now, I am at Hunterdon Central Regional High School (HCRHS).

In high school so far, I have written two separate research papers for US History I and II. The first one (2006), is entitled Engineering Advancements and the Invention of the Otis Elevator. The grade I received on it was a 93. The second one (2006), is titled The Space Race of the 1960's and How it was an Extension of Manifest Destiny. For this paper, I received a 100. Both of these papers can be read by clicking on the links below:

Engineering Advancements and the Invention of the Otis Elevator

The Space Race of the 1960's and How it was an Extension of Manifest Destiny